Monday, January 23, 2012


We spent the weekend in Scottsdale with Uncle Eric, Marign and Aunt Julie (who came in from Boise). It was so nice to be in sunny, warm Arizona. This is us in Cave Creek. We had fun exploring the shops and feeding the ducks. The pond is at the restaurant where we ate dinner that night. Holy Moly! that was a good restaurant. New Mexican Mexican food is OK, but it is nothing compared to Arizona Mexican food.

Andrew LOVED feeding the ducks! He just sat there giggling at all the ducks even the mean goose who kept flapping his wings at Eric.

I couldn't resist taking this picture. Andrew was busy trying to figure out which remote to play with and I just had to snap a picture of his cute baby bum in a onesie.

Going home!

Wiggle and Jiggle

Andrew had a play date at Wiggle and Jiggle last week. It was at 11:30 which creeps into the "I'm crazy hyper and need a nap" time. Needless to say Andrew wasn't into the whole "listen to the teacher and stay with the group" thing. He was much more interested in scooting around the room like a crazy man!
He had fun on the parachute (that thing used to freak him out big time!) He loved playing with a hula hoop and, of course, playing with all the balls.
I'm signing him up for Wiggle and Jiggle on Tuesdays. It's at an earlier time so hopefully he will begin to the the "listen to the teacher and play with the group" thing. :o)

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Bye Bye Mobile

Andrew's mobile was the inspiration for his nursery. I bought it when Steve and I were up in Montana visiting his sister and her family. I loved the bright, primary colors and the happy little bugs. Even though this mobile didn't move or play music Andrew still loved to lay and stare up at it. Lately though, he has been having a lot more fun with it. When he wakes up I hear the usual chitter-chatter that comes from his room, but there has also been a strange clanking sound. I come in to find my angel of a son standing in his crib and his mobile swinging violently in a tangled mess. Time to take it down.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Spring Anyone?

I am of the opinion that Spring officially starts the day after Christmas. Or at least it should. My hubby seems to disagree with me. He is under the false assumption that Spring doesn't start until sometime in March (poor misguided soul). Thankfully, Wal-mart sees my point of view and had buckets full of bright, spring tulips to greet me on my shopping trip yesterday. Maybe this bouquet will help tide me over until it actually is Spring...

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Using Ol' Lefty!

Andrew got his Bamboo Brace in the mail yesterday! He is still getting used to it, but it does seem to help stabilize that left arm and give him more strength. I can't wait for therapy this week to see what activities the therapists suggest to make the most of our new toy :o)

When Andrew is really concentrating his left hand will clench up super tight which is actually a good thing when he needs to grip a toy. He used his left hand to help hold the blocks as he "squished" the other blocks on top. (I swear I even heard him say "squish" a couple times while we were playing)

What a cutie! This is the face Andrew makes when I say, "Show me your cute face!" I love my sweet little Andrew!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Where's Andrew?

Andrew loves to play Peek-A-Boo.
Yesterday he put his sweater on his head and thought it was the funniest thing ever... which it was!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Christmas 2011

This year we headed to Colorado to spend the holiday with Steve's family. Andrew seemed much more aware of Christmas this year (which made it even more fun). He had fun playing with the bows on presents, trying to play with the ornaments on the tree and ripping open Christmas presents. He absolutely loved his present (as you can see from the look on his face) and loves to scoot around all over the house.

Andrew was NOT a fan of Santa!
We met up with Janis, Ben and Baby Zeek at the mall to get pictures with Santa. Andrew seemed happy enough until he sat on the jolly man's lap. This was taken just prior to the melt down. Maybe next year Santa won't seem so scary.