Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Using Ol' Lefty!

Andrew got his Bamboo Brace in the mail yesterday! He is still getting used to it, but it does seem to help stabilize that left arm and give him more strength. I can't wait for therapy this week to see what activities the therapists suggest to make the most of our new toy :o)

When Andrew is really concentrating his left hand will clench up super tight which is actually a good thing when he needs to grip a toy. He used his left hand to help hold the blocks as he "squished" the other blocks on top. (I swear I even heard him say "squish" a couple times while we were playing)

What a cutie! This is the face Andrew makes when I say, "Show me your cute face!" I love my sweet little Andrew!


  1. Aww I love his cute expression and his little car shirt- what a cutie.

    Also, I got your comment on my blog about making a multi-picture header. And I am sure there are better ways to make it, but this is the way that I do it (because it's the only way I know how). First, get an account on Picnik and upload a picture - it doesn't matter what picture because you will resize it to the width of your blog, and a length of however long you want it to be- I think mine is 300? But I would go as long as 500? Then at the bottom of the page is a tab that says "Photobasket" you just upload any pictures you want in your header, and then drag them up into the picture you re-sized, and expand/contract the pics until they fit the way you want them to.

    I hope that makes sense!! Good luck!

  2. Thank you soooo much! Picnik worked beautifully!

  3. Way to go Andrew!!! We miss you!!!!! And I must say, what a handsome shirt! ;)
